Posted on June 01, 2014 by Kimberly Arnold

Psst! Come closer. I have a secret to whisper. Your ears are bored. They are getting tired of the same pair of earrings, every day, week after week, every outfit, sometimes year after year. Oh we know you’ve loved them since the day you first held them up to your ears. And they will always be a part of your personal repertoire. But a little variety might perk up your ears and your spirits.
To drive home this point the artists at S & A Beads will create and display for sale one pair of earrings every day in the month of June. We will be posting to Facebook and Instagram. Come, look, try, maybe buy, or maybe just be inspired to make your own.
Day 1
in store artist: Cheryl Moody

Day 2
in store artist: Kimberly Arnold

Day 3
in store artist: Emily Silverman

Day 4
in store artist: Carlista Martin

Day 5
in store artist: Cheryl Moody

Day 6
in store artist: Kimberly Arnold

Day 7
in store artist: Carlista Martin

Day 8
in store artist: Kimberly Arnold

Day 9
in store artist: Cheryl Moody

Day 10
in store artist: Lisa O'Brien

Day 11
in store artist: Lisa O'Brien

Day 12
in store artist: Carlista Martin

Day 13
in store artist: Cheryl Moody

Day 14
in store artist: Emily Silverman

Day 15
in store artist: Carlista Martin

Day 16
in store artist: Kimberly Arnold

Day 17
in store artist: Lisa O'Brien

Day 18
in store artist: Emily Silverman

Day 19
in store artist: Carlista Martin

Day 20
in store artist: Kimberly Arnold

Day 21
in store artist: Lisa O'Brien

Day 22
in store artist: Cheryl Moody

Day 23
in store artist: Carlista Martin

Day 24
in store artist: Emily Silverman

Day 25
in store artist: Lisa O'Brien

Day 26
in store artist: Emily Silverman

Day 27
in store artist: Cheryl Moody

Day 28
in store artist: Emily Silverman

Day 29
in store artist: Cheryl Moody

Day 30
in store artist: Emily Silverman

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